5 Reasons You Need to Invest in Company Culture

Culture is a major buzzword in today’s business world, especially among the biggest, edgiest companies. But for smaller companies, culture may be even more important.

A little background: Balcom has earned recognition as a “best place to work” in three different publications just in the last year. We were also the first marketing agency in Fort Worth to be designated as an Approved Blue Zones Project Worksite. That’s not just luck; it’s because the great team we have here makes it happen, every day.

So why do we take the trouble? Because in a small company, every single person is hypercritical in delivering success to customers and to the company. It’s a bottom line initiative.

Here are five more-specific reasons you should invest in your culture.

1. It makes your employees more productive.

Culture isn’t just about perks, or how fun it is to work for you – it’s about reminding your employees why they care about the work.  And happy employees who care about their work will get more done, collaborate better, communicate better and have a better understanding of their role in the big picture.

2. It retains your employees longer.

Turnover costs. But happy employees stay longer and are less likely to be poached by other opportunities. Nine of Balcom’s 36 people have been here for 10 years or more.

3. It attracts better employees.

Paycheck and prestige are only two parts of what makes someone take a job. Millennials in particular are looking for meaningful work where they can learn and grow – which is all a part of your culture.

“In a small company, every single person is hypercritical in delivering success.”

4. It extends to your customers.

Employee happiness extends to customer happiness, not just because good moods are infectious, but because employees who feel they are working for a cause will be willing to go the extra mile.

5. It attracts more customers.

Your culture is part of your brand. Think about Zappos’ reputation for service, or TOMS Shoes’ reputation for giving back. People don’t just buy for the product or service; they buy for who you are as a company. And that reputation starts on the inside, with a great culture that moves employees to speak well of your organization outside of work – and may even win you some awards.

So how do you build a great company culture? Check out these nine tips, and learn about Balcom’s Culture Discovery & Implementation services.

Tags: Consulting & Training

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