New Facebook Insights: Learn When Your Fans Are Online

Working on this quarter’s round of social media reports has been especially fascinating thanks to Facebook’s new and improved Page Insights. According to Facebook, the revamped tool “includes improvements to the way we organize and report metrics to make Page Insights more simple, actionable and focused on people.” Translation? The new features will help make it easier for you to identify and interpret data and therefore, provide you with more support when making recommendations about your Facebook marketing.

The feature I am most enthusiastic about is housed under the “Posts” tab. There, an easy-to-read graph shows how many of your page’s fans were online in the past week and at what times! This is brand new data that was not shared under the old insights tool.

Balcom Facebook Insights 

[Balcom Agency’s Page Insights: October 13 - October 19]

With a look into when your fans are on Facebook, you can more strategically schedule your updates and use this data to justify the days and times you post – especially when answering the question, “Should I post at night and on the weekends?”

This is just one of the many useful features included in the new Page Insights. What change are you most impressed with?

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